Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Why Cleanse?

This cleanse all started with the feature film "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" I was amazed by how the juice cleansing journey Joe took was able to change and heal his body. I'm a relatively healthy person,  I don't suffer from any chronic physical diseases, by I was intrigued by the idea of using a juice cleanse as a 'system reboot'. In January of this year I suffered a miscarriage and since then I have had various infections, been on and off antibiotics, felt more tired and physically strained than before, been anxious, depressed and uncomfortable in my own body and mind. I feel like I need a change, I feel like my system needs a reboot. I'm not a nutritionist, dietician, or health professional in any way, so I'm not even going to try and outline the benefits or risks of cleansing. All I can say is it's certainly not for everyone, but I hope it can be for me. After watching the film I went onto the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead website and bought a juicer from one of their links. It was delivered through David Jones and arrived today (about 2 weeks later). I tried it out this afternoon with some local apples after buying a bunch of fresh fruit and veg from the shops. I'll start the cleanse tomorrow and post daily,  including progress pictures, what I'm consuming and how I'm feeling. The plan for this cleanse is 7-days minimum, but who knows where it will end up.
Happy Juicing, Edie x